Hate writing checks? Concerned about security risk when giving suppliers a credit card number? Wish you could speed up your bill payment process?
MotilityPay can help!
Schedule a demo with our MotilityPay expert to find out how you can save time and money and have the opportunity to earn cash back simply by paying your bills.
Order Form
You may access the order form at
Order Form Instructions
Support Number
If you are a new customer or do not know your support number contact your Account Manager or support at 407-358-2000.
Contact Info
Whoever the designated person is ordering checks or the main contact for this should place their information in these fields.
Initial Order
If this is your first time placing a check order with us or your first time placing a particular type of order select ‘yes‘ for this field.
If you have ordered checks from Motility before, you may choose 'no' for the Initial Order field. Choosing this option will change the next several fields.
Exact Repeat Order
If you are doing an exact repeat order you will need to have the last job number completed by us. Please contact us if you do not have that information. Note that MICR Line, logo, website, and stacking order fields are removed if you select ‘yes’ for exact repeat order.
Blank Check Stock
Indicate whether you need blank checks or not.
To determine if you can use blank check stock and let the software print your checking information, you should call your bank and ask if they use magnetic scanners or optical scanners. Most banks are using optical scanners now. If your bank is using magnetic scanners, then you will need magnetic ink on your checks. This is more cost-effective to have the printing company print your checks. If your bank uses optical scanners, then blank check stock is much more cost-effective. Our software will print everything including the logo. |
Shipping Information
The Shipping Info is the address where you need the checks delivered.
The Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Line (MICR) is the information that appears at the bottom of a check. You will see a series of numbers separated by colons (:) or other symbols.
- The first section is your desired check number. This section allows for up to 14 numbers. If your number is shorter than that, fill in the space before the number with zeroes.
- The second section is the routing number for your bank. This section allows for standard 9-digit routing information.
- The third section is your account number. This section allows for up to 20 numbers. If your number is shorter than that, fill in the space before the number with zeroes.
If you do not know this series of number, present the Bank Imprint Info Sheet to your bank and they can provide you with this information. All initial orders MUST provide us with the MICR Line.
If you would like your logo to be printed on the checks, please attach it here. The size of the file needs to be 8MB or smaller.
To include your website address on the checks, enter your business URL in this field.
Beginning Check Number
Enter the beginning number for the checks you are ordering.
Stacking Preference
Select if you need the checks to be either Face Up Descending or Face Up Ascending.
To determine the order your imprinted checks should be stacked, you must determine how your printer pulls. Take a blank piece of paper and put an X at the top of the page. Place it FACE UP in the tray you will be using for checks. Print a test page. If your test page prints on the unmarked side, you need FACE UP DESCENDING. FACE UP DESCENDING checks will be stacked with the highest number on the top. If your test page prints on the marked side, you need FACE UP ASCENDING. FACE UP ASCENDING checks will be stacked with the highest number on the bottom. |
Shipping Option
Typical production for most checks are 3 days after an order acknowledgement has been sent. Select the shipping speed that you desire.
- Ground (3-5 business days)
- 2 day shipping
- Overnight
Rush Printing
If you need a quicker production period, select ‘yes‘. This will prioritize the check printing. You may need to adjust your shipping option for faster shipping.
Checks and envelopes can be ordered in any quantity, but the preset quantities are 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000, and 10000.
Other Quantity
If you need an amount not listed above, please enter the number in the Other Quantity field.
Check Color
Check colors are either blue, maroon, or green.
Choose if you would like that have envelopes accompany your order.
Notes or Special Instructions
Enter any additional information that will help our staff facilitate your order. If you would like a proof of the check, please include that request here.