Sometimes, you may have part orders that remain as partially fulfilled in your list of purchase orders. This article reviews the steps to get rid of old parts purchase orders in the system.
- Open the Parts & Service module.
- Select the New Receiving Ticket option from the quick links to the left. This will open a new receiving ticket.
- Click over the PO number drop down list. This is the list of all Unfulfilled POs.
- Click over the PO in the list.
- Choose the Import button to add those products to this receiving ticket. You can repeat these steps to import the parts on multiple POs for the same supplier at once.
First time selecting a PO to import: | Second time selecting a PO to import: |
- Enter an Entity Reference Number. We recommend adding -ADJ at the end of the reference number so your accounting department can determine what happened more easily.
- For each part in the list, change the Adj Qty value to be the same amount as the Total Ordered Qty.
- Click on the Receive Now button in the lower right of the window. This will open a confirmation popup.
- Select the Yes button on the confirmation popup window.
- Choose the No button on the Print Bar Code Labels popup window.
- The receiver status will change to Received and the total will be $0.00.
- Click on the Close button to exit the receiver window. The purchase order(s) that were imported to the receiver will now be closed and show as Completely Fulfilled.