To receive freight, you will use a special part number that is not in the Parts Category and is not counted as parts inventory. Freight is received using part number “FR”.
Receive Freight/Crate Charges
This process reviews adding freight charges to a receiving ticket.
- Open the Parts & Service module.
- Select the New Receiving Ticket option from the quick links menu on the left side of the screen.
- Follow the steps to receive parts from the PO.
- Click in the blank row (below the part) in the receiver table.
- Type FR in the Part Number field.
- Enter 1 in the Quantity Received field.
- Enter the freight charge amount in the Cost field.
- Optionally, you may enter the retail price for freight.
- Complete the receiving process.
Note: You will need to add freight, cost, and price to the RO if the part is for a specific job on the invoice.
You can verify FR is in the Freight Category by clicking the View Master Inventory button.
Note: The Total On Hand is not important for a freight category part.