The custom report builder is used in the Infinity software to allow you to create reports that have not been added to the program.
Build a Custom Report
- Open the Reports module from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
- Select the Custom Report Builder option from the list of available reports. There are two layers to the selection. This will open the custom reports builder window.
- Click the New button in the lower left of the window. This will open a window where you can choose the type of report you wish to build, and click Ok.
- Report names with a "w" means that they will include customized fields.
- Selecting the report name will open the Field Chooser window. Check the box for each field that you wish to include in the report.
- If you have many columns of information, you can select the Landscape option at the bottom of the custom report builder screen. You can expand your view of the columns by maximizing the report screen.
- Once you have added all of the columns of information you want to include, you can close the Field Chooser.
- Select the Options menu at the top of the custom report builder screen.
- Choose the Filter option. This will open the filter window, where you can limit the information that will show on the report. You may want to only see relevant information since the beginning of 2021, for instance.
- Select the field to which you want to apply a limitation.
- Enter an operator.
= | Equal To - The value you enter must be an exact match for the information in the field. |
<> | Not Equal To - Using this operator will return information that is not equal to the value. |
< | Less Than - Can show information before the date value or less than a dollar amount. |
<= | Less Than or Equal To |
> | Greater Than - Shows information after the date value or more than a dollar amount. |
>= | Greater Than or Equal To |
Like | Looks for information similar to the value entered. |
Not Like | Looks for information not similar to the value entered. |
- Enter the value. If you are entering a partial word, you can use the percentage sign % as a wildcard.
- For the And/Or column, as you add new lines to the filter, this will automatically populate with AND. You can edit this if desired by selecting another option from the dropdown.
- When finished entering filters, click the OK button in the lower left of the window. This will return you to the Custom Report Builder window and update the results shown. We recommend to review the report to ensure that it shows the information that you wish to view.
- When you have completed creating the report, click the Save Report button in the lower left of the window. This will give you a popup window.
- Enter a name for the report.
- Select the security level for the new report.
- Click the Ok button.
Common Filter Examples
Date Range
If you are choosing a date range, you will want to choose the beginning date and end date like this example:
You can adjust the dates on-the-fly each time you choose to run the report.
Email Addresses
If you are including email addresses in the report, please follow these steps:
- Select email address as the field.
- Choose the Like operator.
- Enter the value "%@%" without quotes.
This will display only information from the email field in the software with the “@” symbol. This helps minimize the number of inaccurate addresses in the list.
Run a Custom Report
- Open the Reports module from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.
- Expand the Custom Report Builder menu.
- Choose the Print Custom Report option.
- Check the box of the report you wish to open on the right side of the window.
- Click Ok. This will open the filter window.
- Update any of the filter items you wish, then choose the Ok button. This will open the report preview.