Company Information settings control how the program handles different features and options. The service tab allows you to set defaults for many different areas of the service module.
- Select the Company Information module.
- Click the Service menu option on the left side of the screen.
Main Tab
Verify Unit Mileage
Check this box to prompt employees to enter the unit mileage when closing or cashing out a repair order.
Display Secondary Sales Tax as Buyers Order (BO) Tax on Invoices
(Canada) Check the box to show secondary taxes and the buyer's order tax on printed invoices.
No Sales Tax if No Parts Sold
Check the box to not apply sales tax unless parts are sold on the invoice.
Send RO Closed Date to Accounting as Warranty Closed Date
Check the box to have the date that the RO was closed show in accounting as the date that the warranty was closed.
Update Payable Hours with Mechanic Flag Times
Check the box to update the RO payable hours with the total mechanic flag times.
Update Billable Hours with Mechanic Flag Time Hours
Check the box to update the RO billable hours with the total mechanic flag times.
Require a Flag Time for Each Repair
Check the box to require a flag time be entered for each repair. When checked, the program will prompt for each repair without a flag time.
Always Update Billable and Payable from Actual Hours
When this option is checked, if you enter a number of hours on the repair screen, the program will populate the actual hours to the billable and payable hours fields, overwriting any previous entry.
Change Payable to Billable on Completion of Job
Check the box to update the billable hours on a repair to equal the payable hours when a job's status is completed.
Change Payable to Billable on Mechanic Completed
Check the box to update the billable hours on a repair to equal the payable hours when a job's status is mechanic completed.
Multiple Mechanic Payable Based on Percent of Total Flag Time
Check the box to distribute the payable hours evenly between all the techs on a job. If the mechanics are entering flag times, the payable hour percentages will be distributed according to the flag time hours.
Automatically Calculate Job Efficiency
Check the box to have the program automatically calculate job efficiency based on the efficiency hours and actual hours for the job.
Force Vehicle Input
Check this box to require a unit be entered on RO repairs/jobs.
Show Only Closed Tickets on the Warranty Clerk
Check the box to only show closed jobs on the Warranty Clerk filter of the service invoice list.
Force All Jobs to Have a VIN
Check this box to require that a unit VIN be entered for each job.
Allow Users to Mark All Jobs Completed on Cashout
Check the box to prompt users to mark jobs completed when closing or cashing out an invoice.
Default Quote Status
Choose the status from the dropdown that you want new repair estimates to show under by default. This is usually "Estimate" or "Quote".
Default Open Status
Choose the status from the dropdown that you want new repair orders to show under by default. This is usually "Open" or "Invoice".
Default Closed Status
Choose the status from the dropdown that you want closed invoices to show under by default. This is usually "Closed".
Default Moved Job
Choose the job status from the dropdown that you want moved jobs to show under by default.
Use the Group Warranty Items View
(Not Active)
Disable Web Shopping
(Not Active)
Don't Cash Out Service Internals
Check this box if you want internal invoices to show as closed and not cashed out.
Internal Cut Off Days
Enter a number of days allowed for internal work to be performed on sold vehicles. If an internal invoice is started after the cut-off day, the program will require the cut off password to be able to complete.
Internal Cut Off Password
Enter the cut off password to use if an internal RO is being cashed out for a unit sold before the above number of cut off days.
Service Registration Number
Enter the registration number here. This will print on all invoices below the dealership information.
Parts Shop Supplies Percent
If your dealership will charge a default percentage of shop supplies based on parts sold, enter the percentage here.
Labor Shop Supplies Percent
If your dealership will charge a default percentage of shop supplies based on the invoice retail jobs' labor, enter the percentage here.
Shop Supplies Taxable
Check this box to charge tax on shop supplies.
Shop Supplies Max Amount
If your dealership will have a maximum dollar amount for shop supplies charged to customers, enter that amount in this field.
Prevent Closing/Cashing Out Invoices With Non-Submitted Extended Warranty Repairs
Check this box to prompt users when choosing to close or cash out an RO that extended warranty jobs must have the submitted box checked.
Policy Charge Authorization Password
If a policy type is applied to a job, the user will be prompted to enter the policy password.
Default Repair Type
Select the repair type that each new job will default to when starting an RO. This is usually set to Retail.
Default Repair Type From Deal
Choose the repair type to assign to jobs started from a deal.
Use Above Repair Type for Canned Jobs From Deal
Check this box to assign the repair type you selected above to canned jobs started from a deal.
Update Estimate with Repair Total if Repair is Greater
Check this box to have the estimate total be updated if the repair total is greater.
PDI Ticket Status
Choose the status that you want PDI tickets to show in by default.
Other Tab
Only Payroll Can Set the Flag Times as Paid
If checked, the mechanic flag button on the service module's main menu will be disabled. Only payroll employees will be able to mark flag times as paid.
Warranty Credits in Service Enabled
Check this box to enable the warranty credits link in the service module's main menu. The service warranty credits screen does not interface with the accounting module.
Require a Service Tag Number for Each RO
If your dealership uses service tags to help track service units, check this box to require that a service tag be added to each RO.
Require a Vehicle Type for Each RO
Check this box to prompt entry if a vehicle type is not selected for the unit on an RO.
Charge Tax on Warranty Deductibles
Check this box to have the program charge tax on warranty deductibles.
Use Previous Repair Types on New Repairs
Checking this box will copy the job type for a job to new jobs created on the next line.
Always Default Advisor to Creator if Creator is an Advisor
Check this box to automatically update the advisor field on the RO with the employee who created the invoice, as long as the employee has the role of service advisor chosen on their employee profile.
Only Allow Mechanics to Clock In on one Job at a Time
Check this box to block mechanics from clocking into multiple jobs at the same time. They will then need to first clock out of one job to be able to clock into another.
Parts/Service Invoicing Time Out Period in Minutes
(Not Active) Enter a number of minutes for the program to automatically save a service invoice. This will not allow users to keep invoices open and unlocked beyond this timeframe.
Use 24 Hour Times for the Flag Time Screen
(Not Active) Select this box if you want the mechanic flag times screen to show 24-hour entry instead of 12-hour entry.
Set Flag Payable Default Date to Today
Check this option to default the payable date to today's date when updating the payable hours on a job.
Default Warranty Claim Number to RO Number
Check this box to automatically fill the warranty claim number field with the RO number and job number.
Default Warranty Company
If your dealership uses a single warranty company, you may choose the company from this dropdown. This warranty company will be selected by default for all warranty jobs.
Default Extended Warranty Company
If your dealership uses a single extended warranty company, you may choose the company from this dropdown. This warranty company will be selected by default for all extended warranty jobs.
Charge Tax Based on Cost for Manufacturer Warranty
Check this option if you want to charge tax based on parts costs for manufacturer warranty jobs.
Disable Switching Invoice to Quote if Parts Relieved or Mechanic Flag Times Have Been Entered
Check this box to not allow updating an invoice to be a quote if either parts have been relieved or mechanic flag times have been entered on any job.
Split Sublets Between Two Parts
Check this option if you want to automatically split sublet jobs into a taxable and non-taxable part.
Taxable Part
Enter the name you wish to use for the taxable portion of a sublet job.
Non-Taxable Part
Enter the name you wish to use for the non-taxable portion of a sublet job.
Warranty Transfer to Accounting Date
Select which date you want warranties to transfer to accounting. The options include:
- Cash Out Date
- First Submit Date
- Last Submit Date
Import Parts List
File Path
(Not Active) Enter a path for the file you wish to import. Alternatively, you may click the Browse button to navigate to the folder.
File Name
(Not Active) Enter the name of the file you wish to import..
File Extension
(Not Active) Enter the extension of the file you wish to import.
Printer Settings Tab
Verify Printing of Invoices
Check this box to prompt users to verify that the invoice has printed.
Verify to Print Warranty Customer Copy
Check this box to prompt users to verify that the extended warranty copy of the invoice has printed.
Print RO on Close Button
Check this option to automatically print the invoice when the RO has been closed.
Verify to Print Accounting/Totals Copy
Check this box to prompt users to verify that the accounting copy of the invoice has printed.
Print Accounting Copy
Check this option to print an accounting summary of the invoice.
Show Cost on Accounting Copy
Check this option to print cost on the dealer's copy of the invoice.
Print Totals Copy
Check this option to print a totals summary of the invoice.
Show Pricing on Mechanic Copy
Check this box to display pricing on the mechanic copy of the invoice.
Show Billable Hours on Mechanic Copy
Check this option to display billable hours on the mechanic copy of the invoice.
Show Totals on Original Customer Copy of RO
Check this box to display warranty and internal totals on customer copies of the invoice when printed from the RO screen.
Show Non-Customer Pay Totals on Cash Out Repair Order
Check this box to display warranty and internal totals on customer copies of the invoice when printed from the cashout screen.
Print History after VIS
Check this option to print company information in the header section of an invoice.
Show Hours on Service RO
Check this box to print total repair hours on the customer and warranty copies of the invoice.
Show Time In and Time Out on Repair Orders
Check this option to print the job time in and out on the invoice.
Hide Address on P&S Invoices
Check this box to not print the dealership address on the invoice.
Hide Phone Number on P&S Invoices
Check this box to not print the dealership phone number on the invoice.
Service Disclaimers
The service disclaimers 1, 2, and 3 can be entered into the relevant text boxes. There are options for each disclaimer below the text box.
Original Customer Copy of RO
Check this box to have this disclaimer print on the customer copy of the invoice printed from the RO screen.
Cash Out RO
Check this box to have this disclaimer print on the customer copy of the invoice printed from the cashout screen.
Extended Warranty RO
Check this box to have this disclaimer print on the warranty copy of the invoice printed from both the RO or the cashout screens.
Mechanic Copy Disclaimer
Enter text to print on the mechanic copy of the invoice.