This glossary is broken down alphabetically. These terms can be found within the program and are listed for clarification purposes.
Acc. | Accessory Tab |
Acct | Account Number |
ACV | Actual Cash Value |
AD | Active Directory, a Windows tool to manage user licenses. Also referred to as NT. |
Addtl | Additional |
Admin | Administrator |
AH | Accident Health |
AJ | All Journals |
Alt | Alternative |
AP | Accounts Payable |
AR | Accounts Receivable |
Assoc Entity | Co-buyer (for customer entity) or employee (for company entity) |
AUTO | Automatic |
B. Order | Buyers Order Tab. Also called ‘salesman quote’ |
BDC | Business Development Center |
Calc Type | Calculation type |
Co | Company Location |
Comm. | Commissions Tab |
Comp | Comparisons Tab |
Cost CB | Cost Charge Back Amount |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management, used to enter customer information |
Cur Loc | Current Location |
D/S | Drop Ship/direct shipment from vendor to consumer |
Dept | Department |
Disc | Disclosure |
DL # | Driver's License Number |
DNC | Do Not Call, referencing the national Do Not Call registry |
Doc | Document |
DR | Disaster Recovery |
Emp | Employee |
Entity # | Entity number, a unique number generated by the program to identify the entity |
Entity Ref | Entity reference |
ESP | Equity Savings Program |
Ex (or EXP) | Expiration |
Ext | Phone Extension |
EXT. Amt. | Extended Amount, the price per item multiplied by the quantity. |
EXT. Cost | Extended Cost, the cost per item multiplied by the quantity. |
F. Profit | Finance Profit Tab |
GL | General Ledger |
GLFS | General Ledger Financial Statement |
GST | Goods Service Tax, a tax used in Canada |
GVW | Gross Vehicle Weight |
HIN | Hull Identification Number |
Hist. | History Tab |
HST | Harmonized Sales Tax; a combination of federal and provincial taxes on goods and services in five Canadian provinces |
Info | Information |
Init Loc | Initial Location; where the customer was entered |
Ins. | Insurance Tab |
IP | Internet Protocol |
JR | Journal |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
L/S | Lost Sale, used to track requests for parts that did not end up being sold. |
Loc | Location, where the unit is located |
N/U/D | New/Used/Demo |
PAC | Protected against commission. A flat dollar amount or percentage of unit cost that is not commissionable. |
Pass | Password |
PC | Profit Center |
POA | Payment on Account, a payment made toward an amount owed to the dealership or a deposit amount. |
Prov | Employee Mobile Provider |
QC | Quality Control |
RECT | Repair Event Cycle Time, the number of days between creating and closing an invoice. |
Reg. | Region |
RVDA | Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association |
S. Profit | Sales Profit Tab |
Sales CB | Sales Charge Back Amount |
Sec. VIN | Secondary Vehicle Identification Number |
SMS | Short Message Service, allows up to 160 characters. |
SSN | Social Security Number |
TOH | Total on Hand - the on-hand quantity of the part |
UC | Unit Count, a column on transactions. Used only for vehicle inventory and sale accounts. |
Unit | Vehicle/vessel. In cases of storage, a unit is a rentable space. |
Unit Prefs | Prospect vehicle preference |
UPs | Refers to lead types (Phone up, Walk Up, Web Up, etc.) How customers approach the dealership. |
URL | Uniform Resource Locators aka hyperlink |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
VPN | Virtual Private Network. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online identity. This makes it more difficult for third parties to track your activities online and steal data. |
VSI | Vendor's Single Interest; entered when adding finance sources. |
Wash | Completing a deal |