If you want to print accounting cash flow reports, you will need to set up your cash flow groups.
- Open any module.
- Click over the icon of a person in the upper right of the screen.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where you can apply settings at different levels.
- Select the App Settings tab.
- Click the Accounting subtab on the left side of the screen.
- Choose the Cash Flow option.
- To add a new group, select the Add New Record button to the upper right of the table.
- Enter the group name.
- Optionally, you may enter a sort order number. The order defines which order the groups will print when you select specific reports. The higher the number, the lower in the list that the account will print.
- Choose the Internal Group for the cash flow group. Options include assets, liabilities, operating, investing, or financing activities, profit & loss, and cash & cash equivalents.
- Click the Update button to the right of the row to save.