The pick lists pre-populate information in the program, allowing for faster and easier selection. You can add, edit or adjust the items shown in pick lists.
- Open any module.
- Click over the small person/profile in the upper right. This will open a drop-down menu.
- Choose settings from the menu.
- Select the app settings tab at the top of the window.
- Click to choose the Unit Inventory section on the left side of this window.
- Click once over the Unit Details Pick List section. This will expand the list.
- Choose the pick list to edit in the Filter For dropdown to the upper left of the section. This will update the list to reflect the current options in the list.
- Select the Add Item button in the upper right of the section to add a blank record.
- Enter the new option that you wish to show in the pick list.
- Click the update button on the row.