Account summaries help define the GL accounts where deal monies should come from and go to when a deal is complete. Normally, these are setup during the initial setup process and only adjusted if a GL account changes.
Open Account Summary Setup Screen
Open Account Summary Setup Screen
- From any module, click over the icon of a person in the upper right of the screen.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where you can apply settings at different levels.
- Select the App Settings tab.
- Click the Deal Desking subtab on the left side of the screen.
- Choose the Account Summary Setups option. This will expand the section.
Add an Account Summary
- Click the Create Preset button to add a new, blank preset. This will open a new section below where you can enter the new preset name.
- Select the company location where you want this preset to be available.
- If you want this accounting summary to affect a specific journal, select it in the Journal field.
- Follow the steps to Edit an Account Summary.
Copy an Account Summary
You may copy an existing preset by selecting the Copy Preset button. Then, you can follow the steps to Edit an Account Summary and edit the individual lines.
Edit an Account Summary
- Choose the preset you wish to change in the dropdown at the top of the section.
- Select the Edit button for the row you wish to update.
- Update the credit, debit or credit offset accounts as needed.
- Select the Update button to save your changes.