Categories are used to separate parts and services for sales and will affect how they show in reporting and accounting. Categories also correspond to the RO Totals section on parts and service invoices.
- From any module in MotilityAnywhere, select the user icon in the upper right of the screen to open the menu.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where, depending on your security permissions, you may view or update company settings.
- Select the App Settings tab.
- Click the Parts & Service section from the subtabs to the left side of the screen.
- Locate and click to expand the Parts/Service Categories section.
- In the upper left shows the External Category. The external name is used in reporting. You can add new external categories, but they have to correspond to an internal category. You can move between external categories by using the Previous and Next buttons in the lower left of the section.
The Internal Category is used by accounting to ensure that sales go in the correct account. New internal categories cannot be added. List of internal categories:
CR - Core LA - Labor SS - Shop Supplies FR - Freight PR - Parts LP - Propane GO - Gas & Oil SL - Sublet Other - None of the above - The Default Category box should be checked for the main parts category. It is not recommended to change this.
- The Description is what shows in the category dropdown in the individual part profile.
- The GL account for adjustments on items belonging to this category should be entered into the Inv. Rec. Adj. Acct., which stands for the Inventory Receiving Adjustment Account.
- The GL account for receiving items belonging to this category should be entered into the Inv. Rec. Acct., which stands for the Inventory Receiving Account.
- The table rows allow you to set specific Sale, Cost, Inventory and Discount GL accounts for each item type.
- Click the Save button in the lower right to save your changes.