If your dealership is using integrated credit card processing, your credit card devices can be added here for specific computers or workstations to use when cashing out credit transactions.
If you are interested in using integrated credit card processing, please contact your Motility account manager.
- From any module in MotilityAnywhere, select the user icon in the upper right of the screen to open the menu.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where you can apply settings at different levels.
- Select the App Settings tab.
- Click the Parts & Service subtab on the left side of the screen.
- Choose the Credit Card Machines option. This will expand the section.
- Click the button to Add New Record. This will add a new, blank line to the table.
- Enter the computer name that will access the credit card machine. In some cases, you may need to set up two computers to use the same device. Each workstation will need to be entered on its own line.
- Type in the credit card machine's IP address in the IP field.
- Type the port number used for communication to the device.
- Click the Save button.