Company Settings control how the program handles different features and options. The unit inventory settings allow you to create settings to apply to all units by default. You may make further default selections in the App Settings.
- Open any module.
- Click over the icon of a person in the upper right of the screen.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where you can apply settings at different levels.
- Verify that you are viewing the Company Settings tab.
- Click the Unit Inventory subtab on the left side of the screen. This will show the available options.
If your dealership will automatically mark up the unit selling price a percentage over the purchase price, enter the percentage into the Selling Price Markup Percent field.
If you want internal service invoices or ROs to add to the unit selling price, check the box to Add Internal RO amounts to the Selling Price.
To choose how unit markups will be calculated, select an option from the Price Mark Up Method selection. The available options are:
- On PAC Cost
- On Total Cost of Vehicle
- On Purchase Price + Add Ons
- On Purchase Price
- (Base Cost x MSRP %) + Acct List Total
If you wish to apply a percentage to be Protected Against Commission (PAC) on deals, enter the number into the Deal PAC Percent field.
If you wish to apply a flat PAC amount to deals, enter the dollar amount in the Deal PAC Amount field.
To choose how PAC will be calculated, select an option from the Calculate PAC Cost selection. The available options are:
- On Purchase Price of Vehicle
- On Total Cost of Vehicle
- On Purchase Price + Add Ons
If you wish to calculate the PAC percentage in addition to a flat PAC amount, check the Calculate Pac Percent on Top of Pac Flat Amount box.
If you want the unit cost to automatically be set to the PAC amount, check the Update Costline to Equal Pac When Pac is Updated box.
If you want to add the amount entered in the unit's PDI estimate field to the unit Addons field, check the Add PDI Estimate to Addons and Repairs box.