The AR Auto Pay feature is used to bill AR balances that will receive periodic payments (like a monthly charge).
Add a Customer Card on File for AR Auto Pay
Run AR Auto Payments
- Open the Accounting module.
- Choose the Tools menu in the upper left of the screen.
- Select the AR Auto Pay option. This will open a popup window.
- Choose the AR account for the payments.
- Optionally, you may select the company you wish to process payments for.
- Optionally, you may choose the profit center that you want
- Click the Process button. This will open another popup window.
This window shows all the outstanding balances in the AR GL account # whose entities are marked as “Auto Pay” in the CRM. You will see the total Amount Due, the date of the Transactions, a Reference Number (allowing you to identify the invoice the balance is coming from), and whether or not the entity has a card on file.
- Click the Process button in the lower right of the window.
When finished, the Auto Pay utility will let you know that it has completed and that all cards on file will be charged accordingly. This will clear the AR balances for those entities automatically without you having to receive pay on each of these balances individually.
Add a Customer Card on File for AR Auto Pay
From the AR Auto Pay popup window, select the Edit button to the far right.
This connects to the credit card terminal to collect the card information.