The warranty clerk screen is used to help verify the warranty service and submit it for processing.
Access the Warranty Clerk Screen
Find an Invoice Not on the Warranty Clerk Screen
Submitting and Inputting Claim Information
Access the Warranty Clerk Screen
Open the Parts and Service module.
Select the Warranty Clerk filter button at the bottom of the screen. This will give a list of all the invoices that have at least one warranty repair line on them and have been cashed out by the service department.
The only way a cashed out invoice shows up on the warranty clerk screen is once it is cashed out and the warranty line has not been submitted on the repair.
Find an Invoice Not on the Warranty Clerk Screen
If the invoice has been cashed out and submitted for warranty, click the Closed-Cashed Out button at the bottom of the screen.
Locate the invoice in the list and choose to open it.
Verify that at least one job or repair line has warranty information entered.
Note: Once the repair line has been submitted, the system will prevent you from making any changes to the invoice.
Submitting and Inputting Claim Information
Once you have the repair open, select the repair line you will be working with.
On the repair info section to the bottom left there is a “Warr.” Tab. Select this tab. This will allow you to input the claim number given to you by the warranty company and the net amount of the repair.
If you do not input any data in these boxes the system will give you a prompt that there is not an amount for the warranty claim and would you like to match the amount on the repair. If you select yes, the system will input the amount on the repair line.
If you also do not input a claim number the system will use the default numbering system which is the repair order number followed by the repair line number.
Note: This process must be done for all warranty repair lines on the invoice. If you have done this correctly, the invoice will leave the warranty clerk screen. If you still see it listed on the warranty clerk screen, there is at least one repair line that has not been submitted.
Once these steps are completed, you will process warranty credits.