Entities are the customers that your business sells to, the suppliers that you purchase from, other companies that you do business with, and bank or floorplan businesses. You will need to enter each of these into the program to be able to use it fully. Entities can be added individually or may be integrated from lead emails.
Entity Profile Views
There are two different views available for the entity profile. You can switch between the views by using the view option button toward the upper right of the screen. The summary view shows a view of the customer information at the top, then the various profile tabs below. Switching to the expanded view allows adding and editing customer information and uploading a picture of the customer, if desired.
Summary View |
Expanded View |
Address Information
Within the header section in the expanded view, there is an addresses tab to allow entry of one or more addresses for the customer.
Add a new address by clicking the Add button to the right. Mark an address as the default by selecting the checkbox. Delete an address by selecting the garbage can icon. Below this section are the tabs that also show in the summary view.
Entity Profile Buttons
There are several buttons at the bottom of an entity profile when first accessed.
Locked Profile
By default, entities are read-only. You will need to unlock a profile for editing by clicking the Edit button in the lower right. These will change when the entity has been unlocked for editing.
At the bottom of the window, you’ll have a button to add a note to the customer’s profile. Click this button to enter notes about your contact and set a callback date. This enters a date and time-stamped note into the Messages tab on the prospect’s record.
Upload Documents
You can use the buttons to upload or view documents like a scan of the prospect’s driver's license.
Click the Upload button in the upper left to choose the file(s) you wish to upload.
View Documents
You can use the buttons to upload or view documents like a scan of the prospect’s driver's license.
Save Profile
Choose the Save button to save any changes made. This will return the profile to read-only, and if you wish to continue to make changes, you will need to unlock the record.
Entity Alert
The Alert button opens a screen to allow you to enter a message that will open each time the prospect record is opened from anywhere in the MotiltyAnywhere program.
Entity Profile Tabs
These tabs can be hidden by changing permissions for your users. You may also designate a specific default tab to open when accessing a customer record. You can also customize how these tabs will display for yourself by clicking over the edit pencil to the far right, then choosing to Manage Tabs. Simply uncheck the box for the tabs you don’t wish to see or set a number in the order column to change the order of the tabs. The lower the number, the farther to the left it will show.
If you have many tabs available, you can scroll to the right in order to view them by using the small arrow next to the edit pencil icon. Once you’ve started scrolling, an arrow will show to the left of the tabs to allow you to scroll back to the left.
Lead Info Tab
Use this tab to enter basic information for and about the prospect.
If you mark the prospect's temperature as hot, they will show in the Hot Contacts list to the left side of the main CRM screen.
Mark a new customer as a new contact here, which will show the prospect in your New Contacts list on the left side of the main CRM screen.
Choose a Call Back Date for you to reach out to the prospect again. This will show the customer in your Need to Contact list on the left side of the main CRM screen.
Choose the Primary Sales Contact person for the prospect. This will be the main person designated to handle the prospect and will show on prospect reports. Alternatively, you can click the rotation button to be able to choose a rotation, then designate the salesperson. Lead rotations are creating in the App Settings for use here.
After categories have been created in the App Settings, they can be chosen here. The category is often used to classify prospects, while status shows where the prospect is in the sales process.
The lead type usually answers the question of How did they contact us? for this customer. If leads coming from email integration, the program can automatically fill in the lead type and advertising lead information.
Advertising sources answer the question of What inspired them to contact us?
If the customer came from a specific sales campaign or email, you can select it from the drop-down. These fields are used with reporting to find the efficacy of different marketing programs.
It's a good practice to enter the prospect's desired price range so that you can reach out to them if a unit in their price range arrives. These fields will impact the unit search and matching found on the unit preferences tab.
You can also enter their desired payment amount so you can find financing that will suit their needs. These fields will impact the unit search and matching found on the unit preferences tab.
The checkboxes at the bottom of the tab are used to signal that something has happened. If they took a test drive, this will help to track the unit shown. Did we turn this into a deal? Check the box to show that this lead was turned over. Did we quote this? Mark the write up box. Think of this as a condensed process that works with reporting in MotilityAnywhere to track progression rates and see where issues may be happening.
Customer contact preferences are also shown here. If the customer does not accept phone calls or emails, you can mark the applicable option.
There are several buttons on the lead info tab to help speed up your processes. You can mark that the entity was turned down for credit easily, view the last deal for a customer, or select to start a new quote right from here.
Choosing to start new quote uses the information that you’ve entered on this and other tabs to populate the deal, so entering as much information as possible in the entity or prospect profile is important.
Unit Preferences Tab
Add a stock number to show that the client is interested in a specific unit. Enter any specifics like Make, Model, Length From / Length To information to narrow down units that meet this criteria.
Click the Match Vehicle button to search for matches in your company’s available units. Don't forget, the desired price range or payment amount entered on the lead info tab will affect the units shown as results.
You can add more than one unit preference by choosing the Add Prospect Preference button on the left. If you accidentally add a unit, click the Delete Unit button in the lower right.
Unit Trades Tab
Use the Unit Trades tab to add information about the prospect’s trade or trades. Remember that adding information here will let you transfer this information to a quote seamlessly.
You can add more than one trade by choosing the Add Prospect Trade button on the left. If you need to remove a unit, click the Delete Unit button in the lower right.
Credit Bureau Tab
The Credit Bureau tab links with 700 credit to allow you to pull a prescreen or run a hard credit pull on the prospect.
Co-Buyers Tab
You can search for the co-buyer by clicking the magnifying glass. This opens a screen similar to when you entered the prospect, allowing you to enter the co-buyer's name and ensure they are not already in the program to minimize duplication. If the co-buyer already exists in your program, highlight the row in the table and choose the Add Co-Buyer button. If they do not already exist, select the Add Buyer button.
Once they have been added and you have verified that they live at the same address as the primary prospect, you can click the Copy Address button to copy their address to the co-buyer.
Select the Delete Co-Buyer button to remove co-buyer from record. They will remain in the MotilityAnywhere software but no longer be part of this prospect’s potential deal.
Associated Entities Tab
The Associated Entities tab is used on a company’s entity profile to show their employees.
Vehicles Tab
The Vehicles Tab can be used if customer has a current unit. If it was bought elsewhere, you can enter it here. When a deal for this prospect completes, the unit that they purchase from your business will automatically populate into this tab, including any included service contracts. The Merge button searches other entities' VIN numbers and will merge those vehicles into this one. This does not affect customer service invoice history.
Vessels Tab
The Vessels tab operates same way as the vehicles tab and is used for marine or boats.
Messages Tab
The messages tab allows tracking of contact with this customer. Any Notes, Emails, and SMS with a prospect will display. Both inbound and outbound emails are sync'd using IMAP while SMS are sync'd with Kinect. Messages can come from here in the CRM module or the Messaging module. You can add a note to the messages tab by clicking the Add Note button at the bottom
Personnel Tab
The Personnel tab shows the sales team members who have made contact or changes on this record. The Personnel tab also shows the contact date and temperature which can help with lead disputes.
Memo Tab
The Memo tab is used to enter general information about the prospect. This is usually general information that should be read before contacting the prospect. Use this tab for details to help build a rapport with the prospect. This is not secure like entering notes because there are no timestamps for memos.
Tasks Tab
The tasks tab can be used to generate tasks that are automatically associated with the customer, or to view completed tasks. Tasks can be added here or in the main Tasks area of the Messaging module.
Customization Tab
The customization tab is used to track information per entity for additional fields. The customization fields are created in the App Settings.
Reception Tab
The reception tab is used by the receptionist to add information to an entity on behalf of salespeople. It has all the important fields from Lead Info such as Sales Campaign, Advertising Lead, Lead Type, and Primary Sales Contact, but also has controls for receptionists. Temperature and Next Callback Date vary per salesperson, so the reception tab displays these for all users.
The receptionist can also add employees to the Reception Tab and set that employee’s temperature and next callback date. For example, a salesperson could see an entity in their hot contacts and need to contact list because the receptionist set it up for them.
Sales Tab
The sales tab helps you track previous deals and parts or service invoices and shows a listing of all items the customer has purchased.
P&S Info Tab
The P&S info is used to prefill labor and parts discounts when the entity is assigned to parts or service invoices. Entering a Labor Rate Override changes the labor rate on this customer’s retail type tickets.
Parts Price Category changes the parts pricing on this customer’s retail tickets. Uses the pricing matrix notation, so 90L is a 10% discount off retail, and 90C is a 90% markup over cost. Pricing matrix letters A-Z are also valid.
Tax Exemptions stop tax from being calculated on this customer’s retail tickets, and it is recommended to choose a Sales Tax Exemption Reason for these types of entities. (The box for GST – Goods and Services Tax for Canada Dealerships only.)
Does Not Accept Mail or Email options control who gets marketing materials through Letter Printing. The checkbox Does Not Accept Calls turns the phone numbers red as a visual indicator not to call.
Club Membership Tab
Club Memberships allow a discount to be applied in the Parts and Service module. The Club Membership tab shows which programs the customer has been assigned. Club memberships are created in the App Settings.
AP Info Tab
The AP Info tab is used when adding businesses to your database. This tab is how you can set company entities as a supplier or floorplan company and enter information here to set the accounting defaults for the company.
The Account Type affects how AP reports are calculated for this entity and is set to Open Invoice, Balance Forward, or Detail. Create purchase orders fast by entering the AP Acct and Expense Accounts to use this information automatically.
Set up any suppliers that you pay with a credit card to include your credit card company as the Pay to Default. The Pay to entity will be the credit card company so that when there is a PO for the supplier, your credit card receives the payment.
Discount % and Discount Days allow for early payment to be calculated in the check writer.
Selecting the Print 1099 box here sets the 1099 checkbox to automatically be checked in the check writer. Be sure to enter the 1099 Full Name if this box is checked.
Checking the Floorplan Company box adds this entity to the list of floorplan banks, while Is Bank checkbox adds this entity to the list of checking account banks. (Not used for floorplan, lien, or other non-checking banks.)
The Supplier checkbox marks this entity as a supplier, and you can select the box to Show Supplier in Parts if this is a parts or sublet supplier.
AR Info Tab
The AR Info tab is for your accounting team and can set custom rules for receivables. The Account Type affects how AR statements are calculated for this entity. The options are Open Invoice, Balance Forward, or Detail. The Warranty Company checkbox adds this entity to the Service Warranty Company List.
Fixed Assets Tab
The Fixed Assets tab can be set up for your accounting team’s needs. For more information, please visit the fixed assets article.
The SMS tab is used with Kennect messaging to show text messages sent to the customer. Please contact your Customer Service Manager if you would like more information.
History Tab
The History tab contains a record of all changes made on the entity’s profile. Changes are sorted by date and time and show the Old Value, the New Value, and the User who made the change.
Custom Tabs
You may create custom tabs in the App Settings to show specific information for the entity profile. User access to these tabs is determined by the security permissions set for the user.