Cash Out types are used to create how customers will pay in the sales register. Common cash out types include cash, check, credit card, and on account. You can assign a specific GL account, insert merchant information, and enter exchange rates for individual payment types.
To add pay types, contact our support team.
Note: The support team will set up your pay types if your dealership is using integrated credit card processing. These are reviewed in steps 9, 10, 11, and 12. |
- From any module in MotilityAnywhere, select the user icon in the upper right of the screen to open the menu.
- Choose the Settings option from the menu. This will open a screen where, depending on your security permissions, you may view or update company settings.
- Select the App Settings tab.
- Click the Parts & Service section from the subtabs to the left side of the screen.
- Locate and click to expand the Cash Out Types section. The types will show in a list.
- The description is preset for common payment types. When a new type is added to this list, the Description entered here will populate to the point of sale and on reports.
- Enter the GL Account where payments selected for this pay type will be applied. The following fields are legacy and no longer used: CC Company, CC Merchant Number, CC Time Out, CC File Path, PayWare User, PayWare Password, PayWare IP, PayWare Port, PayWare ClientID, and Business Type. If a GL account is not entered here, the program will use the default GL account set in the company settings.
- You can enter an Exchange Rate and Exchange Description if there will be a currency exchange for the payment type.
- MP Acct ID, MP Sub ID, and MP Merchant PIN are used if your business integrates Worldpay processing.
- If you are using integrated processing with an External Machine, this box will be checked.
- The point box will be checked if your business uses Point processing.
- The Elavon box, Location Name, Chain Code, and Terminal ID are used if your business integrates with Elavon processing.
- The AVS Manual and CVV Manual boxes are marked when the relevant information needs to entered manually for this payment type.
Note: The support team will set up your pay types if your dealership is using integrated credit card processing. These are reviewed in steps 9, 10, 11, and 12. |