The AR Auto Pay feature is used to bill AR balances that will receive periodic payments from customer cards (like a monthly charge).
Set up Customer Card on File for Auto Pay
Set up Customer Card on File for Auto Pay
- Open the CRM module.
- Search for the customer or add a new customer.
- Select the AR Info tab on the entity profile.
- Check the Auto Pay box.
- Choose the Credit Card Terminal you wish the auto pay process to use for this entity.
- Select either the Get Token (In Hand) or the Get Token (Manual) button.
- Get Token (In Hand) should be selected if the card is present and can be tapped, swiped, or inserted.
- Get Token (Manual) should be selected if the card is not present and will be manually entered.
- Choosing either Get Token button will connect to the credit card device selected and prompt for card entry. Have the customer enter the card information.
- Save the customer record.
Run Auto Pay Tool
- Open the Accounting module.
- Choose the AR Auto Pay option from the quick links menu on the left side of the screen. This will open a popup window.
- Choose the AR account for the payments.
- Optionally, you may select the company you wish to process payments for.
- Optionally, you may choose the profit center that you want
- Click the Process button. This will open another popup window.
This window shows all the outstanding balances in the AR GL account # whose entities are marked as “Auto Pay” in the CRM. You will see the total Amount Due, the date of the Transactions, a Reference Number (allowing you to identify the invoice the balance is coming from), and whether or not the entity has a card on file.
- Verify the correct credit card device is selected in the upper left. The payments will process through the selected device.
- Click the Process button in the lower right of the window.