Recurring Entries are business transactions that are repeated regularly, such as fixed rent or insurance to be paid every month. This feature is very helpful for transactions that take place on a constant basis and constant amount. There are two parts to recurring transactions, setting up the individual accounts for the recurring transactions, then creating the transactions to bill for the transactions.
Add / Modify Recurring Entries
Add / Modify Recurring Entries
- Open the accounting module.
- Choose the Recurring Journal Entry option in the General Ledger Tools menu on the left side of the screen. This will open the Recurring Journal Entry window.
- Select the Add button in the lower right to open a new, blank record.
- Enter a reference number in the upper left. This is usually a brief description of the transaction.
- The company number will automatically populate based on the location that you had open when accessing this screen.
- The transaction date will automatically fill with today's date. You can adjust this, if necessary.
- Enter the number of times that you want the recurrence to occur into the number of entries field. Leaving this set to 0 will never run the entries.
- Select the journal that this entry will show under.
- Choose the frequency for this recurring entry. You can choose between weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.
- Enter any comments to have them populate on the transactions.
- Within the table, click in the top line to begin entering information.
- Choose the GL account for the bill. The description will populate based on this selection.
- The profit center and department will populate for the record.
- Optionally, enter the entity reference into the entity reference field.
- If this transaction references a specific entity, enter the entity number or click the ellipsis button to search for the entity.
- If this transaction is for a specific unit, enter the unit number or click the ellipsis button to search for the unit.
- Enter either the debit or credit amount.
- The unit count (UC) column should stay at 0.
- Optionally, you may enter a comment per line.
Each transaction must have both a debit amount and credit amount. The totals between the two types must match or you will receive an error message that the transaction is out of balance.
- Save the transaction. This will add the recurring entry to the list on the left.
Create Recurring Transactions
- Open the accounting module.
- Choose the Create Recurring Entries option from the quick links menu on the left side of the screen. This will create the transactions and open a popup message.
Note: If a bill has already been created for the timeframe selected in step 7 above, a new bill will not be created.