Customer Deposits flow in real time into a clearing account. Daily Deposits is a tool that credits clearing and debits the checking account when deposits are made to your bank. This can include checks and cash that your business received that you want to deposit into your bank account.
- Open the Accounting module.
- Choose the Deposits (Daily Deposits) link from the menu on the left. This will open the Bank Deposit screen.
- In the upper left, choose the Checking Account for the deposit.
- The Q1 Journal is automatically selected and the Reference Number is automatically-generated. The posting month and year should match the transaction date.
- Optionally, you may choose a profit center to show amounts for that location.
- In the Undeposited Funds box, select the day’s transactions using the checkbox on the left. You may select one or more rows.
- Click the Add Button in the center of the section. This will move the amounts you chose from the undeposited funds box to the Today's Deposit box.
- Click the Deposit button in the lower right. This will create the accounting transaction (in the table at the bottom of the window) for the deposit with individual lines per payment.
- Click the Save button in the lower right. This will save the deposit and close the Bank Deposit window.