The close month and restrict month utilities prevent posting in prior months so that financial figures don’t suddenly change when they were previously balanced. Restricting a month works to close a month for the majority of your business, though you can allow access using permissions and designate one employee at your dealership to have access. The close month option cannot be overridden by permissions, only by reopening the month. The open month utility allows you to reopen a closed month to make changes.
Restrict Month
- Open the accounting module.
- Choose the Tools menu in the upper left of the screen.
- Select the Restrict Month option. This will open the change restricted month & year screen.
- Specify the month and year you want to restrict.
- If you want to lock posting in restricted months, check the box.
- Click the confirm button.
Note: Restricting a month allows you to specify individuals (by using permissions) to still be able to post to that month even though to the rest of the dealership, that month is closed.
Close Month
- Open the accounting module.
- Choose the Tools menu in the upper left of the screen.
- Select the Close Month option. This will open the closing the month window.
Specify the month and year that you’d like to close.
Click the confirm button.
Note: This differs from the Restrict Month utility because no one will have the ability to post in a closed month, regardless of permissions. Use this when a month is finalized and you no longer want any transactions posted within it.
Reopen Month
Opening a month allows you to make manual changes to transactions within that month.
- Open the accounting module.
- Choose the Tools menu in the upper left of the screen.
- Select the Open Month option. This will open the open month window.
- Select the company you wish to open the month for.
- Choose the month and year that you want to open.
- Click the open button.