Search From All Journals Screen
Search From All Journals Screen
- Open the accounting module. This will show the All Journals screen.
- Enter search criteria into the filter fields at the top of each column. You can add terms into one or more columns to narrow the results.
You can use one or more than one option to search for matching transactions.
To narrow results by the Reference Number, you can enter it into the field.
The CO dropdown allows you to choose the company number to search within. By default, this is the company selected when opening the accounting module.
The Month and Year shown are controlled by the viewing month and year. You can change which month you are searching within by changing the viewing month.
The Trans. Date is the date of the transaction. You may type in the date or click the small calendar icon to open a calendar selection to narrow your results.
If you want to view a single journal's transactions, enter it in the Code column.
If you are looking for transactions for a specific GL account, you can enter the applicable account number.
If you wish to only view transactions with an alert, select the Is True option in the Alert column. To only view transactions without an alert, select the Is False option. Leaving this column with no selection will show all.
If you wish to only view transactions that have been marked as deleted, select the Is True option in the Deleted column. To only view undeleted transactions, select the Is False option. Leaving this column with no selection will show all.
If you wish to only view transactions that have been posted, select the Is True option in the Posted column. To only view unposted transactions, select the Is False option. Leaving this column with no selection will show all.
The Posted Date is the date when the transaction was posted to accounting. You may type in the date or click the small calendar icon to open a calendar selection to narrow your results.
If you wish to only view transactions that have been reversed, select the Is True option in the Reversed column. To only view not-reversed transactions, select the Is False option. Leaving this column with no selection will show all.
Search Using the Search Bar
In the upper left of the accounting module is a search bar.
- Enter your search term.
- Click the Search button to open a results window.
- Double-click over the row in the list to open the accounting transaction.
Advanced Search
In the upper left of the accounting module, to the right of the search bar is an advanced search button.
- Select the Advanced Search button to open a search screen.
- You may enter one or more search terms to narrow the results.
The CO dropdown allows you to choose the company number to search within.
If you are looking for transactions for a specific GL account, you can choose the applicable account.
To only view transactions for a specific profit center, choose the applicable option in the PC dropdown.
Choose a Department to view transaction for just that department.
If you want to view a single journal's transactions, choose it in the JRN dropdown.
To narrow results by the Reference information, you can enter into the field.
View transactions for a specific unit by entering the stock number into the Stock field.
Enter an Entity number to only view transactions for that entity. Search for an entity by clicking the ellipsis button.
If you know the entity reference for the transactions you want to view, enter it into the Entity Reference field.
Use one of the default Date Range selections by choosing it from the drop down, or enter a custom Beginning Date and End Date to view transactions within the selected dates.
If you know the transaction Amount, you may enter it to view only transactions that match the total.
If your business enters Job or Sub numbers for invoices, you can enter them here to search for those specific transactions.
- Once you have chosen your search criteria, choose the Search button. This will display a list of the matching transactions in a results window.
- Double-click over the row in the list to open the accounting transaction.