You can set aftermarket and other fee items as taxable within existing deals and edit your deal presets to have these selected as taxable automatically.
To Edit a Deal Preset:
- Open the deal desking module.
- Choose the button to Start a Deal to the left. this will open a popup window with your presets displayed.
- Select one of your deal presets by clicking once over it to highlight it.
- Choose the Edit Preset button at the bottom of the window.
- Select the Taxes tab.
- Click the plus sign to the left of Tax Breakdown to expand the table.
- Set the Location rate for each item that will be taxed.
- Check the Taxable box for each item that you wish to mark taxable.
- When done, select the save button.
You will need to do this for each preset that your company has that you wish to update. You can follow steps 5-9 to update existing deals.