Open the Deal Desking module.
Select Edit from the menu bar in the upper left of the screen.
Hover over Modify, then hover over Sources.
Choose Finance Source.
Click the yellow "+" at the top of the screen.
This will open the CRM module. Click the SEARCH button at the bottom of the screen.
Click NO to not save the entity. This will take you to the Entity search screen.
Using the parameters, search for the Entity. You may need to uncheck the ‘Show Only Prospects’ box if this is turned on by default.
Once you find the desired Entity on the Entity Search Results, double-click the Entity.
Click No to not save. This will return you to the bank's entity profile.
Click the Save button, then choose to Exit the record. This will return you to the Finance Source screen.
Click the Apply button to associate the entity with this finance source.
Choose the OK button to save and close.